
ブロンディ、人気絶頂期のBBCパフォーマンス音源&映像をCD / DVD化

ブロンディ   2010/09/10 15:18掲載
 およそ8年ぶりとなるニュー・アルバム『Panic Of Girls』を2011年に発表するとされる、歌姫デボラ・ハリーを擁する米国バンドのブロンディ(Blondie)。それに先駆け、バンドが英国BBCに残したパフォーマンス音源&映像を収めたCD+DVD作品が発売されます。

 本作『Blondie At The BBC』のCDには、1979年に英国グラスゴーで行なわれたライヴの模様を収め、またDVDには『The Old Grey Whistle Test』や『TOP OF THE POPS』といったBBCのTV番組で1979年から80年にかけて放送されたパフォーマンス映像が収められます。発売は英国にて10月4日。人気絶頂期のパフォーマンスを楽しみましょう!


『Blondie At The BBC』

1. Intro/Denis (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
2. The Hardest Part (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
3. Die Young, Stay Pretty (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
4. Accidents Never Happen (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
5. Victor (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
6. Living In The Real World (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
7. Seven Rooms Of Gloom (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
8. Eat To The Beat (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
9. X Offender (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
10. Dreaming (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
11. Slow Motion (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
12. Shayla (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
13. Union City Blue (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
14. Atomic (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
15. Picture This (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
16. Pretty Baby (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
17. Heart Of Glass (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
18. Hanging On The Telephone (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
19. (Sunday Girl Bagpipes) (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
20. Sunday Girl (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
21. I Feel Good (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
22. One Way Or Another (BBC Radio 1 - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)

1. Denis (BBC Top Of The Pops)
2. Fan Mail (Old Grey Whistle Test)
3. (I'm Always Touched By Your) Presence Dear (Old Grey Whistle Test)
4. Detroit 442 (Old Grey Whistle Test)
5. Picture This (BBC Top Of The Pops)
6. Sunday Girl (BBC Top Of The Pops)
7. Dreaming (BBC Top Of The Pops)
8. Intro (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
9. Dreaming (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
10. Slow Motion (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
11. Shayla (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
12. Union City Blue (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
13. Atomic (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
14. (Eat To The Beat) (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
15. Picture This (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
16. Pretty Baby (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
17. Heart Of Glass (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
18. Hanging On The Telephone (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
19. (Sunday Girl Bagpipes) (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
20. Sunday Girl (With Credits Rolling) (Old Grey Whistle Test - The Apollo Theatre, Glasgow)
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