

RUSH   2005/10/11掲載(Last Update:08/03/31 17:57)
 日本でもファンの多いカナダの国民的バンド、ラッシュが昨年発表のカヴァー集『フィードバック』に続き、30周年記念作品を再びリリース! 30周年を記念して昨年に行なわれたツアーの模様を収めたライヴDVD『R30』をリリースします!


≪DVD 1≫
01. R30 Overture (Finding My Way, Bastille Day, Anthem, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus, Hemispheres)
02. The spirit of radio
03. force 10
04. animate
05. subdivisions
06. earthshine
07. red barchetta
08. roll the bones
09. the seeker
10. tom sawyer
11. dreamline
12. between the wheels
13. mystic rhythms
14. der trommler [drum solo]
15. resist
16. heart full of soul
17. 2112
18. xanadu
19. working man
20. summertime blues
21. crossroads
22. limelight

≪DVD 2≫
01. fly by night : church sessions video , 1975 ,
02. circumstances : live in the studio , 1978 ,
03. la villa strangiato : live in the studio , 1978 ,
04. farewell to kings : live in the studio , 1978 ,
05. xanadu : live in the studio , 1978 ,
06. various songs from a sound check : IVOR WYNNE STADIUM , 1980 ,
07. closer to the heart : comp. video...1977 to 1997 ,
08. freewill : from the DVD...Toronto Rocks , 2003 ,
09. closer to the heart : tsunami relief show.

・RUSH backstage passes
・Interview with John Martin at the Ivor Wynne Stadium, 1977
・In studio interview at Le Studio, Montreal during the recording of "Signals", released 1982
・Interview footage with all 3 band members, Artist of the Decade for the 1980s, 1991
・Interview for the release of "Vapor Trails", 2003
・CBC/Juno Award piece at the bands induction into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, 1994

≪CD 1:限定盤のみ≫
01. R30 Overture (Finding My Way, Bastille Day, Anthem, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus, Hemispheres)
02. The Spirit of Radio
03. Force Ten
04. Animate
05. Subdivisions
06. Earthshine
07. Red Barchetta
08. Roll The Bones
09. The Seeker
10. Tom Sawyer
11. Dreamline

≪CD 2:限定盤のみ≫
01. Between the Wheels
02. Mystic Rhythms
03. Der Trommler
04. Resist
05. Heart Full of Soul
06. 2112
07. Xanadu
08. Working Man
09. Summertime Blues
10. Crossroads
11. Limelight
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