

ビー・ジーズ   2006/10/06掲載(Last Update:08/03/31 17:57)
 ビー・ジーズとカタログ作品の権利契約を交わした米Rhinoによるリマスター再発。今年6月の第1弾に続く第2弾は、1967年から翌68年にかけての音源をレア・トラックを含めて収録したCD6枚組のボックス・セット『The Studio Albums 1967-1968』(写真)となります!

 本ボックスは、67年の『ファースト(Bee Gees)』、68年の『ホリゾンタル(Horizontal)』『アイディア(Idea)』という初期オリジナル作のリマスター盤に、ボーナス・ディスク3枚を付属したもの。ボーナス・ディスクにはアウトテイクや別ヴァージョンなどの未発表音源が多数収録される予定となっています。発売は米国にて11月7日に予定されていますので、ファンはお楽しみに!

●ボックス・セット『The Studio Albums 1967-1968』
01. Turn of the Century
02. Holiday
03. Red Chair, Fade away
04. One Minute Woman
05. In My own time
06. Every Christian lion Hearted Man Will show You
07. Craise Finton Kirk royal academy of arts
08. New York Mining disaster 1941
09. Cucumber Castle
10. To love somebody
11. I Close My eyes
12. I Can't see nobody
13. Please read Me
14. Close another door

01. Turn of the Century (Early Version)
02. One Minute Woman (Early Version)
03. Gilbert Green
04. New York Mining disaster 1941 (Version One)
05. House of lords
06. Cucumber Castle (Early Version)
07. Harry Braff (Early Alternate Version)
08. I Close My eyes (Early Version)
09. I've Got to learn
10. I Can't see nobody (Alternate Take)
11. All around My Clock
12. Mr. Wallor's Wailing Wall
13. Craise Finton Kirk royal academy of arts (Alternate Take)
14. New York Mining disaster 1941 (Version Two)

01. World
02. And the sun Will shine
03. Lemons never Forget
04. Really and sincerely
05. Birdie told Me
06. With the sun in My eyes
07. Massachusetts
08. Harry Braff
09. Day time Girl
10. The earnest of Being George
11. The Change is Made
12. Horizontal

01. Out of line
02. Ring My Bell
03. Barker of the U.F.o. (Single)
04. Words (Single)
05. Sir Geoffrey saved the World (Single)
06. Sinking ships (Single)
07. Really and sincerely (Alternate Version)
08. Swan song (Alternate Version)
09. Deeply, deeply Me
10. Mrs. Gillespie's refrigerator
11. All My Christmases Came at once
12. Thank You For Christmas
13. Medley: silent night/Hark the Herald angels sing

01. Let there Be love
02. Kitty Can
03. In the summer of His Years
04. Indian Gin and Whisky dry
05. Down to earth
06. Such a shame
07. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
08. Idea
09. When the swallows Fly
10. I Have decided to Join the airforce
11. I started a Joke
12. Kilburn towers
13. Swan song

01. Chocolate symphony
02. I've Gotta Get a Message to You (Mono Single Version)
03. Jumbo
04. The singer sang His song
05. Bridges Crossing rivers
06. Idea (Alternate Mix)
07. Completely Unoriginal
08. Kitty Can (Alternate Mix)
09. Come some Christmas eve or Halloween
10. Let there Be love (Alternate Mix)
11. Gena's theme
12. Another Cold and Windy day (Coke Spot #1)
13. Sitting in the Meadow (Coke Spot #2)
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